JS para impacientes

como usar o toCamelCase no javascript es6

January 04, 2020

Converts a string to camelcase.

Break the string into words and combine them capitalizing the first letter of each word, using a regexp.

const toCamelCase = str => {
  let s =
    str &&
      .map(x => x.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + x.slice(1).toLowerCase())
  return s.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase() + s.slice(1);
toCamelCase('some_database_field_name'); // 'someDatabaseFieldName'
toCamelCase('Some label that needs to be camelized'); // 'someLabelThatNeedsToBeCamelized'
toCamelCase('some-javascript-property'); // 'someJavascriptProperty'
toCamelCase('some-mixed_string with spaces_underscores-and-hyphens'); // 'someMixedStringWithSpacesUnderscoresAndHyphens'

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