JS para impacientes

como usar o merge no javascript es6

January 04, 2020

Creates a new object from the combination of two or more objects.

Use Array.prototype.reduce() combined with Object.keys(obj) to iterate over all objects and keys. Use hasOwnProperty() and Array.prototype.concat() to append values for keys existing in multiple objects.

const merge = (...objs) =>
    (acc, obj) =>
      Object.keys(obj).reduce((a, k) => {
        acc[k] = acc.hasOwnProperty(k) ? [].concat(acc[k]).concat(obj[k]) : obj[k];
        return acc;
      }, {}),
const object = {
  a: [{ x: 2 }, { y: 4 }],
  b: 1
const other = {
  a: { z: 3 },
  b: [2, 3],
  c: 'foo'
merge(object, other); // { a: [ { x: 2 }, { y: 4 }, { z: 3 } ], b: [ 1, 2, 3 ], c: 'foo' }

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