JS para impacientes

como usar o isSorted no javascript es6

January 04, 2020

Returns 1 if the array is sorted in ascending order, -1 if it is sorted in descending order or 0 if it is not sorted.

Calculate the ordering direction for the first two elements. Use Object.entries() to loop over array objects and compare them in pairs. Return 0 if the direction changes or the direction if the last element is reached.

const isSorted = arr => {
  let direction = -(arr[0] - arr[1]);
  for (let [i, val] of arr.entries()) {
    direction = !direction ? -(arr[i - 1] - arr[i]) : direction;
    if (i === arr.length - 1) return !direction ? 0 : direction;
    else if ((val - arr[i + 1]) * direction > 0) return 0;
isSorted([0, 1, 2, 2]); // 1
isSorted([4, 3, 2]); // -1
isSorted([4, 3, 5]); // 0

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